Implementing Network Monitoring for Cloud Services: Challenges and Solutions

Network monitoring is one of the important activities in the corporate business world considering the exploration of approaches used today

Network monitoring is one of the important activities in the corporate business world considering the exploration of approaches used today is widespread. One of the things that can be done is Cloud Services Monitoring because it can track workload performance to cloud and security threats that may occur given the increasing IT complexity. 

The network monitoring approach must also be tailored to specific needs and features that are currently needed. That is what makes the many challenges faced in implementing monitoring. 

What is Monitoring Cloud Services?

Cloud monitoring or cloud service is related to the practices and tools used for several important activities ranging from cloud service resources, application performance to the process of analyzing and collecting services. All these cloud service providers offer several mechanisms related to metrics and logs. 

Not stopping there you will also get many third-party and open source services that are integrated directly into the services used. The goal is to avoid silent failures and can provide clues when we are doing something wrong. This monitoring is good for detecting anomalies and quick reactions from downtime. 

A more robust monitoring system will allow you to more easily make adjustments to infrastructure parameters to avoid some of the potential pitfalls. These include potential bottlenecks as well as improper planning and use of resources. 

Why Use Monitoring Cloud Services? 

You must know that monitoring the performance of applications and services directly without pauses is indeed minimal manipulation and all of this can be provided by the modern cloud. In addition, there are several other reasons that can help you be more confident in using monitoring cloud services as follows!

  • The first reason to use monitoring cloud services is to increase security and also better compliance. Here you can track access from logs as well as detect activity that is considered unusual so that you can immediately determine what action to take. The decisions taken later can be safer from sensitivity. 
  • You can use cloud service monitoring to improve the optimization of cloud costs to be incurred. Companies are more active in tracking and optimizing cloud spending with the aim of making it easier to identify resources that are underutilized. So you can get a trend analysis of effective spending. 
  • The next reason is about scalability that can monitor the use of your infrastructure and applications. This help allows you to more easily track better resource usage and adjust it to changing needs and other more dynamic things. 
  • Furthermore, cloud service monitoring is also useful for notifying about availability and reliability related to alerts and tracking. You can more easily find out about certain disturbances at a special time and can immediately fix the problem. 

Challenges Often Faced in Monitoring Cloud Service 

In its implementation, this cloud service monitoring turns out to present many challenges that arise so that many people are still hesitant to use it. To gain insight and also improve the implementation of a more suitable configuration, you can first check the complete challenge explanation as follows!

1.Customizing Metrics that Fit All Services and Challenges 

The first important thing to consider is about choosing metrics that are suitable for all services and challenges that may exist in the field implementation. You need to understand that cloud monitoring provides many types of metrics that can be used, analyzed and understood on a wider scale. 

Choosing the appropriate metrics will make it easier for services to be tracked so it is important to choose the right ones to bring them together in one dashboard. The goal is to facilitate the process of monitoring all components in just one dedicated place. 

2.The number of cost monitoring tools 

As mentioned earlier, in this case we will use many cost monitoring tools that can help us monitor and procure. It’s just that when using too many cost monitoring tools the results will not be good either. 

Competition in the software market today is fierce and requires monitoring that is blessed and safe from curses or things that make it difficult for anyone to use it. A good choice and a solution that does the deal is very much considered. This is the big challenge for everyone who faces it. 

For that you need to take into account several important factors ranging from the form of support, efficient solutions, level of knowledge to the features and costs that will be incurred in it. 

3.Unmonitored Diverse Components  

A dynamic environment also turns out to be a special challenge that is an important consideration. You need to understand that there is no application automation or monitoring that is directly implemented at the time of service usage and updates that occur. Likewise with system components that do require monitoring. 

Various components require different ecosystems to adapt so we cannot generalize how to manage them. This is what makes cloud monitoring not as easy as imagined, especially if the coverage is already very widespread. 

4.Standard Compliance Level for Monitoring and System Configuration 

You need to perform microservice and application deployments against system forwarding logs that are directly configured according to the correct and significant answers. The goal is to increase time efficiency in resolving any issues that come up. This standard is unfortunately difficult to achieve given its widespread monitoring. 

5.Scalability of Cloud Monitoring System

There are many cloud components that run directly at one time without stopping and pausing. This is what causes problems for the monitoring process of the system. The data collection system of this element is always moving and requires more storage in memory over time. 

Although the cloud is indeed a large and secure storage, you need to know that there is indeed a capacity in it which is an important consideration. For this reason, don’t forget to determine in advance about the cloud capacity so that long-term use will not experience problems later. 

Don’t forget to start monitoring the built-in cloud with CSP and also determine the main objectives of the metrics used to provide a more suitable database. You can also analyze solutions according to the cloud that has been provided. 

Those of you who need more practical network monitoring with a large base can directly use the help of Netmonk. Netmonk has many monitoring products that can be tailored to the needs of your business company without any additional problems or challenges to fear. 

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