Understanding Explanations, How It Works, and Examples of Websites You Need to Know!

The advancement of time and consumer needs have led to an increasing number of situs web around us to facilitate

contoh situs web

The advancement of time and consumer needs have led to an increasing number of situs web around us to facilitate all daily necessities. In creating a website, a better understanding of design and the functionality provided is needed. For that reason, it is very important to get to know more websites as sources of inspiration and innovation.

Understanding What a Website Is

What is actually meant by a website? A website itself is a collection of web pages that are interconnected or linked to each other using an internet connection. Each web page contains a lot of important information, including videos, photos, text, and other necessary components.

This website has fundamental special elements that need to be considered in its development, from design, layout to content that is arranged to be attractive when presented. Understanding and presenting visual aspects should not be overlooked, such as colors, fonts, images, and functionality within it.

How a Website Works

After getting a brief understanding of the website, you need to know how the site works. There are several specific steps regarding the web work site as follows!

  1. If you visit a website, the device can directly request the web from the server to connect to the internet. You will not be able to connect to the website unless you have internet access. Unlike if the website being visited can be accessed offline.
  2. Next, when the browser has made a request, the web server immediately sends the web page in HTML format.
  3. The HTML code will then be received by the web browser and parsed into a browser translation that is visually easier for users to understand. So you will no longer see the HTML view but rather the general appearance of the website.
  4. If it has reached the fourth step, users can interact with the website through several components or elements within it. For example, there are forms, links, buttons, and other links that have been provided.
  5. Users can choose to interact with the website and send request codes back to the web server to obtain information for performing specific actions within it.
  6. Next, this web server will directly process the request and send the result to the web browser, allowing it to display the desired web page.
  7. It is important to note that the loading speed will vary for each device or condition, including the smoothness of the internet signal and the capacity of the device being used.
  8. You also need to pay attention to the responsiveness of various devices and the ease of navigation provided, including security that ensures users can log in and access the created website.

Examples of Currently Trending Websites

The website is created according to the current needs and satisfaction levels of the community. Here are some examples of trending websites that you can check out in detail below!

1. Entertainment Website

Currently, the demand for web-based entertainment is indeed high, considering that most people are looking for easier ways to watch or access videos without sacrificing phone storage. This website is capable of providing many updates of new videos and movies ready to watch without having to store the video files on the phone.

Examples of entertainment websites that are widely used today include Spotify, YouTube, and paid Netflix. The content provided is clearly diverse, ranging from regular audio music to long-duration videos. Not only that, you can also enjoy television broadcasts online anytime and anywhere without limits.

2. Educational Website

The demand for online education has also increased considering the number of people looking for online courses or classes to enhance their skills. Busy work hours and the difficulty of managing time make online education classes the right choice because they can be accessed anytime according to the user’s schedule.

This educational website provides courses along with online materials that can be completed independently or in groups according to its terms. Examples of popular educational websites include edX, Coursera, MySkills, and many other job training websites.

3. Web for Finance or Banking

Transactions related to money indeed require high security systems and better practicality. For that reason, gradually all forms of needs in the banking sector have indeed started using specialized websites, making it easier and accessible from anywhere.

This banking website provides online banking services that are guaranteed to be the same as doing them directly at the bank. An example of an activity that can be done is bill payment,transfer up to the savings account that is owned. Many banks have switched to using online banking, such as HSBC, Citibank, and other local banks.

4. News Website

If in the past many people sought news information from television and newspapers, now most people directly access information on the internet. To make the process of searching for information more efficient, they provide a special website to host the news. It’s no wonder that many print newspapers are switching to websites that can be accessed directly through smartphones.

You won’t miss a single update on sports news, politics, or accidents as they happen. Compared to buying printed newspapers, this media is also more efficient in terms of storage and subscription costs.

5. E-Commerce Website

Next, there is an e-commerce website that provides an online shopping site, making it easier to connect sellers and buyers in various cities and countries. Just like shopping at a market, you can directly choose any product that is sold, even more easily through the search feature.

You can determine the quantity of items purchased, the payment method, and even the delivery. With that, the shopping process for anything becomes faster and you don’t need to leave the house. There are already many familiar e-commerce websites like Alibaba and Amazon, which are the most well-known.

It can be said that this e-commerce website is indeed the most complex considering the need for interaction between the two parties of the user and the website in responding to every action given. So, the buttons and navigation channels provided within it are also more numerous. The speed and ease of the UI page are components that should not be overlooked.

Whatever website you use, don’t forget to use the best Web/API monitoring support to help manage the site and also the important navigation within it. So that the access provided to users becomes easier and without any obstacles. You can use Netmonk for network monitoring needs with higher security.

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